
saints (n.) - NFL franchise presently based in New Orleans; boondoggle (n.) - an unnecessary or wasteful project or activity; saintsdoggle (n.) - the Saints' potential relocation situation in New Orleans, and the resulting boondoggle by Louisiana to keep the team from leaving

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

losing FAITH

The New Orleans Times-Picayune reported earlier this week that the 2005 New Orleans Saints' advertising slogan has been unveiled, and it is unbelievably ironic given the potential move to Los Angeles.

Curious to know what it is?

Here goes...


Great job, Tommy Boy.

Let's analyze, shall we? season ticket the team winning the Super a miraculous new deal with a new Benson himself. I'm sure Benson will also drill the new slogan into the head of Governor Kathleen Blanco: "Come on, Kathleen, I've never lied to you...Have a little FAITH in me!"

(Just a reminder: "FAITH" is defined as a belief in things unseen.)

TV ads promoting the new slogan will run through the Saints' history, attempting to stoke the flames of nostalgia and distract Saints fans from the very real possibility that their support over the years could well be rewarded by the team leaving them for a greener pasture.

That's "green" as in dollar bills. And "pasture" as in Los Angeles.

The Times-Picayune story, "First in Faith," starts by noting how strong Saints fan support has been, but if you read far enough, it also discusses the original Cleveland Browns' stunning move to spite of amazing fan support. Then the story quotes disillusioned ex-Saints season ticket holders who have lost their, well, faith. And the last paragraph quotes an economics professor as saying the following: "It's all so disheartening. The NFL is going to go where the money is."

And the money ain't in New Orleans. Given the news that season ticket sales have increased to an underwhelming 27,500, Benson had this to say: "That's pretty hard to swallow. I mean, I understand that people don't have money, and I realize that, but I can't carry the burden personally."

(At least not until he makes his billion by selling the team.)

O me of little FAITH. I guess I'm a Saints aetheist. I just wish I had something else to believe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the definition, from the book of Hebrews:

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

5:03 PM  

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